'WARI' Wari is played on a board which has 12 compartments arranged in tow rows of 6 (the arrangement is similar to that of an egg carton). The numbers of the side represent the quantity of the computer's 'counters', and the numbers on the lower represent the 'counters' on the player's side. A movement consists of taking all the counters from one compartments on your side and distributing, one counter into each of the adjacent compartments in a counterclockwise direction. The distribution is made by pressing G,H,I,J,K, or L. You score points by capturing counters. A capture occurs when you sow your last counter in an opponent's compartment which previously contained either one or two counters. The counters from that compartment are then removed from play. Each captured counter is equal to one point. If the previous compartment in line also contains two or three counters at the end of the move, its counters are captured, as well. This process continues until no more counters can be captured in that turn (in some cases, it's possible to capture all of your opponents counters in a single move). The game can end in several different ways. Play must end however when the board is empty and all the counters have been captured or whenever one player has captured more than half of the counters. Wari also permits a stalemate, where each player chases the other around the board fruitlessly. At the end of the game the score is increased by the number of counters remaining on your side of the board. The computer automatically totals the score. You may end the game at anytime by pressing 'Q' or ctrl-break.